Oct 9, 2011

Approval System

Most of what I did today was add an "approve/disapprove" system. It's not really a "system" in that there's a chunk of separate complex coding, but it's just a little graphic that pops up to let you know when you've made a choice that increases affection versus one that decreases it.

So, if you're like me and stress out about making the wrong choice all the time, then you can easily rollback if he "disapproves" and choose a different option instead. Most options are pretty self-explanatory (i.e. if you "make accusations" at Chael, he's obviously not going to be very happy), though, so it shouldn't be too hard to figure out which ones are bad choices for certain characters.

Not all choices will affect only one person. Some choices may lead to one character approving while another character disapproves, depending on the character, so it's all about what's most important to you.

You can see it in action here:

...Wait, who's the guy with the glasses? The vague answer is that he's a character you'll meet in the demo, which has been titled "Memoirs of an Angel: Before the Storm." If I end up making a stay-in-the-castle path (I'm not sure if I will), then he'll be a romanceable character there.

The slightly more specific answer is that he's Duren's former mentor and Zuleika's current tutor (current at the time of the demo, anyway...obviously, by the time the game starts, his employer is dead so his job is over).

If you can guess who he really is, I'll give you a cookie. ;)

...And ugh, I really need to fix my backgrounds. -________-

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