Oct 8, 2011

Game Menus

I finally got my game menus designed and implemented today. This is something I've been meaning to do for a while (see "Current Goal" in the progress panel to the right), but was avoiding due to fears about how it would turn out.

I'm proud to say that after roughly ten hours of hard work and frustration, the game menus are fully functional, and they even look half-way decent! Good-bye, ugly default menus; hello, pretty not-so-blocky menus.

I still don't have Character Status, Inventory, and Journal (quest) screens made, but those will probably feature a similar design. Since they're not absolutely crucial to basic gameplay, I'm not in a rush to make them; it's probably more important at this point to focus on creating some actual substance...you know...so there's actually a game to play. Unfortunately, writing is my least favorite part, so I have a bad tendency to keep putting it off and do everything else I possibly can first...and then re-doing it, causing the writing portion to be pushed back even further...and then scrapping everything and starting over with a whole new theme, which means rewriting anything I might have done by that point. *kicks self*

As a final note, I would like to thank everyone who reads this or past blogs, whether you're a visitor or a subscriber. It really does help to keep me going when I know that there are people interested in the project and I'm not just pouring all this time and money into nothing. Of course, I'm making the game mostly for myself, but the part I enjoy is the process...so, then, who will enjoy the fruits of my labor? If not me, then it must be the ones who will eventually play my game. So, when I know that it will, in fact, be enjoyed by someone, it helps inspire me to work harder to make an even better finished product....even if it means spending ten hours working on some stupid code for menu screens that could have much more easily been left in the plain, default style.

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