Oct 22, 2011


It's late and I'm tired, so I'll keep this short.

Today, I worked on mostly trivial things. I started out preparing to write the first major section, but then I got side-tracked...as usual. First, I got the completed art for Zuleika's loading screen, so I messed around for a while to put that together. I tried a lot of different backgrounds and effects, but I think I'll go with something simple. Anyway, here's a small preview:

Second, I spent a good chunk of time scaling my maps, and by that I mean figuring out how much distance each map represents (for example, I determined that 1cm on the empire map equals 90 miles). I did this so I could start working on coding the traveling system, because days will go by depending on where you're traveling to and where you're traveling from. I knew that I wanted it to take about a month/season to go from the Imperial City, where you start, to any one of the major quest locations (which all happen to be about the same distance from the castle), and decided that a good average traveling speed would be 30 miles a day after some research, so I just worked it out from there.

Developing a scale definitely helped to put some things into perspective. The empire looks kind of small on-screen, but it's actually quite large....which is good, because, you know, it's an empire. But it also made me realize that the provinces are kind of spread out and that they'll each have their own characteristics that make them unique, so I started working out details about each province - what they're known for, general socioeconomic status, religious beliefs (or rather, whether they go with the religion preached by the capital or not), some unique cultural things, etc. In reality, they would each have their own detailed histories...but I may or may not go that in-depth with it.

...Whatever happened to keeping this short? I think I'm rambling while nodding off... Time for bed, methinks.

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