Sep 18, 2011

GUI Blues...

I spent most of the day avoiding working on the game because I felt, once again, that my GUI is inferior and that I might as well scrap the whole thing.

I tried messing around with it a bit, but after asking for suggestions, the consensus was that I was better off with my original design. But I don't like my original design. It's not bad, but it just doesn't reach my standard of what is "professional." So....I don't know. I guess I'll just have to mull it over for a while. Maybe some miracle will happen and I'll wake up tomorrow with the inspiration I need to make an awesome GUI.

On a brighter note, I now have a chibi for Ahzi to go with the others. It's by a different artist, but I spent quite a bit of time tweaking it to make it match the others as closely as possible. Hopefully my efforts weren't in vain...

What will make him stand out more than anything is the colors. If you look at the other characters, it', black, white and black, white, blue and black. Then suddenly it's BAM! Yellow, brown, green, white, all in the same person. He's the most colorful character in the game, which I guess reflects his personality well. xD

Anyway, he's just got flat colors for now. I'll finish shading him tomorrow.

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