Sep 10, 2011

Maps Created

Tyraca, the land which is home to the Osirian (and later Neffronian) Empire, takes up the larger portion of a crescent-shaped continent. The empire is then divided into four provinces - Normund, Mendebal, Cadmus, and Dimona - each named for the kingdom which ruled there before Osirus conquered the area. To the west of Tyraca are the "Wildlands," home to the demons, and to the south is "Witch Territory," home to the elves (you'll learn the proper names for these areas in-game, but this is what most people call them).

Today, I managed to finish all of the maps which will be used to travel to the different areas, including the empire map and a map for each of the provinces. They're fairly plain and aren't all that great (the areas look too small to be provinces...), but at the very least, they're better than the last several versions I've come up with. xD See for yourself:

In addition to what you see above, there will be buttons on each province map to go to Camp (which is where you can talk to your companions and such) and to go Back to the empire map.

Tomorrow I'll start actually programming the map system.

Aside from working on the maps, I made an important decision today regarding the romances. I decided that since this is an adult game and all, it would be acceptable and would even make sense for sex to be involved somewhere down the line. Nothing explicit, no graphic details or full nudity, but certainly implied. It wouldn't be anything worse than what you would see in a PG-13 movie, probably. And then I started thinking...if I were to commission just one CG for each couple (because the artist I want to hire is pretty expensive), which would be more important to show: confession or sex scene?

Confessions are cute and make girls squee, but they're also...awkward. The boy in question doesn't really know how you'll react, so he's testing the waters and hoping he doesn't drown. On the other hand, by the time you have sex, it's already established that you're deeply in love (no one-night stands here!). Thus, it's a much more sensual experience, and for that reason, I think it would be more valuable to have CGs of that moment rather than the confession. Another reason is that the character sprites I have are just completely insufficient for something like that, whereas I can probably make due with using sprites for the confession. But nevermind all the minute details, who doesn't want to see nearly naked men ( nearly naked Zuleika)?

Now, if I received some donations by some miracle, I could commission two CGs per love interest... ;D

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